London Museums

London is full of amazing Museums and most of them are free of charge!

I often go to the Museums, I like seeing the exhibitions, visiting the Museum shops, packed with all sort of wonderful objects. I look at the groups of students visiting the Museum with their teachers… and I always find myself wishing that you could view all of these wonders. Today I’ve just space for two museums, but if you are interested I could write more in the future. I send you some websites just in case you would have a virtual tour!

Natural History Museum Entry is free!

The Museum opened in 1881 and its architecture is impressive…

Many films have been filmed here, e.g.  Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, One of our dinosaurs is missing

Here you are some of its main highlights:

In the Central Court you can meet a terrifying Tyrannosaurus Rex, unearth Baryonyx bones and inspect the Triceratops skeleton in the world-renowned Dinosaurs gallery. You can distinguish the facts from the myths about why dinosaurs died out,  explore 160 million years of the dinosaur era, find out what the dinosaurs looked like, what they ate, how they evolved, discover hundreds of specimen displays, including four moving animatronic dinosaurs.

The center piece of the mammals’ gallery is the awesome life-size model of a blue whale suspended from the ceiling. It’s the largest creature that has ever lived, bigger even than the dinosaurs, and still alive today!

In addition, if you come in winter you will find the fantastic ice rink  placed outside.

The British Museum Entry is free!

The British Museum was founded in 1753 (!!!), the first national public museum in the world. From the beginning it granted free admission to “all studious and curious people”. The visitor’s number has grown from around 5.000 a year in the eighteen century to nearly 6 million today.

The free resources for school visits are just amazing!

Visiting the Egyptian mummies is a must: The ancient Egyptians preserved not only the bodies of dead people, but also many different animals. These bodies are called ‘mummies’ and you can see lots of them here.

If you want know everything about wonders in the ancient world (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome, Medieval Europe…) this is the place you should visit!

My question is: Which of the museums you’ve visited have you liked the more?


Highlights: The most important things

Unearth: To dig out of the earth (desenterrar)

World-renowned: Famous all over the world.

Ice-rink: area where people can ice skate or play winter sports.





13 thoughts on “London Museums

  1. Nerea Agraz

    Hello Pili how are you? I’m well. You know that London is very big and you can ride? is guess so.

    Pili are museums great to you? Are they full of people? Good bye to you as your pass pipe.

  2. pili.lo Post author

    Hello Nerea! I’m very happy you are on the bloc! I am not sure about your first question, sorry! About the other questions, yes, Museums are great and full of people. Finally, when you say “you pass pipe” do you mean ” have fun”???

  3. pili.lo Post author

    Hello Saray, I’m well, and you? I’m happy because you have written to me, thank you!!

  4. Carla De La Rosa

    Hello Pili how are you?
      I’d like to meet some very interesting museum.
    I hope you come visit soon.

  5. pili.lo Post author

    Hello Carla, I’m fine and you? For sure you are going to visit lots of interesting museums some day! See you soon!

  6. Muntaha Rahman

    Hi Pili!!!! I hope you are enjoying in London. :). And omg its seriously a nice place……is there even a dinaosour???? Awesome!!!!! Pili you told that you’d come at november…..I miss you i mean not only me the whole class misses you 🙂

  7. pili.lo Post author

    Dear Muntaha! You are very kind, I miss you too! I will come for sure before Christmas. Thanks for keeping in touch!

  8. Muntaha

    Hello again montse,
    The thing is you said you’d come on November but…..The side i was sick and i dident came to school for 1 week……..and i SERIOSLY MISS YOU…… thats true i made a card for you….and i am waiting for you to come to the beautiful country Spain. OHHH and there will be a show in our school…ots will be about 4 shows i dont know all of them but i only heard passion of fashion i hope you will be there and i mis you moreeeeeeeeee!!!!

  9. nuria soler dozo

    Pili hello, how are you? I rather have loved museums as well as in the bloc.
    Is there only these museums in London? Because I imagine that there are many more! Huges and kisses! Goodbye. Nuria

  10. pili.lo Post author

    Hello Nuria! How are you? I’m fine, but the weather is very cold and at 4 pm it’s dark night!
    There are hundreds of Museums in London and the best thing is that most of them are free!
    A big huge for you, dear Nuria, take care! Pili

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