School uniforms


As I said in my last visit, here is a new article about how different is my life in London.

One of the most surprising things I can see every day is that most of the Londoner pupils wear school uniforms in Primary and Secondary, state and private schools. As you know in Catalonia it is customary to wear uniforms only in some private schools.

I have found many opinions for or against school uniforms… You can think about and find your own opinion.

This practice dates to the 16th century. Nowadays the Government believes that school uniforms play a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of schools: The Department for Children, Schools and Families strongly encourages schools to have a uniform as it can instil pride, support positive behaviour and discipline, encourage identity and support for school values, ensure pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome, protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way, nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of pupils.

School uniforms are required to be fair for both genders, to be reasonably low cost and to tolerate religious freedoms, e.g. allowing male Sikhs to wear turbans and female Muslims to wear headscarfs. Normally it is a blazer in the school colours or a white shirt or blouse; a tie, trousers or skirt in black, grey, or blue, and black shoes. It could also be a shirt, sweater, and tie or a polo shirt and a sweatshirt.


“Uniforms give students a sense of belonging to a particular school and create an identity for the school in the community.”

“A school uniform can improve learning by reducing distraction, focusing on schoolwork and making the classroom a more serious environment”. “

“A uniform means students don’t have to worry about their clothes. When everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like isn’t so important. There is no competition about being dressed in the latest trend, which would put a great deal of financial pressure on students and parents. Potential bullies have one less target for their insults; it’s hard to make fun of what someone is wearing when you’re dressed exactly the same”.


“If students wear school uniforms, they will have lack of imagination or won’t be able to show their expressions or originality”.

“I believe it blocks the student’s ability to be different and unique. A student should be able to show how he is different and express themselves.”

“Wearing uniforms promotes a form of uniformity characteristic of militarism”.

“Uniforms are expensive.”

My question is: Are you for or against school uniforms? Why?

Vocabulary: Customary: usual, habitual

Ethos: valors, comportaments

Bullies (pl. de bully): el que molesta, es fica o fereix persones més petites o vulnerables.

Uniforms GGS

17 thoughts on “School uniforms

  1. Muntaha rahman

    Hi Pili it’s Muntaha! Anyways! Yess! There must be a uniform for the school! Haha green suits everythings! Well Pili when I was in Arabia I went to a school named English Internatiol school and they wore uniform! So when I came to Spain I saw many children wore the outfit they want………..and I was surprised! For me it’s best to wear school uniform! And I miss you Pili!

  2. pili.lo Post author

    Dear Muntaha, your answer is amazing! Your English is perfect and I hope you never forget it! It’ s very important for your future so you should spend time every day listening, reading, watching English. Just one more advice: don’t forget capital letters for nouns and for “I”. I miss you too, please keep in touch!

  3. Muntaha Rahman

    Thanks Pili! the thing is when will you come again in Spain???I AM EXCITED TO SEE YOU! And everyone miss you! When everyone see you everyone start to say PILI!!!!! ITS PILI OMG OMG OMGGGG! hahaha Paco is super excited to see you! 🙂
    I will wait for your comment soon!

  4. pili.lo Post author

    Ha ha ha! You make me laugh! Tell Paco to write something for me too! I’m going back to Sta. Coloma on the second week of november. So, see you then!

  5. Natalia

    Hello Pili I’am Natalia,
    I would like to go to school in uniform.
    The other day you came to school and did no go to my classe and I was sad.
    Until another day kisses!!!

  6. pili.lo Post author

    Hello Natalia! Thanks for your answer. Sorry about last day I went to the school…Sometimes I don’t want to disturb the class, usually pupils make lots of noise when they see me! See you soon!

  7. David Navarro

    Hello Pili I’m David Navarro.
    How are you?
    I want to ask you a question.
    What is the most important thing you learned in London?

  8. pili.lo Post author

    Hello David! I’m glad to see you on the bloc again! Your question is very difficult! I’ve learnt so much since I got here! Maybe the most important thing is to live in another way, trying not to miss too much work, family, close friends…finding others things to do on my own… Ssometimes is very hard!

  9. Class of 5th level A

    Hello Pili!
    How are you?
    Our class is against school uniforms because…
    . We want to wear our own clothes
    . The uniform colours are very boring.
    .Looking all of us the same may be very sad.
    Uniforms seem posh.
    See you!

  10. Kerly Anahi

    Hi Pili I am Kerly
    How are you?
    (In universitat is carrying uniforms?)
    Are they wearing uniforms in University?

  11. pili.lo Post author

    Hi Kerly, I’m glad to see you on the bloc! They don’t wear uniforms in the University, but in some special events (gala dinners, graduations…) they wear uniform ties, jackets…

  12. pili.lo Post author

    Hello Lucia! Kisses back to you…I’m looking forward to seeing you soon!

  13. Ainhoa Casas

    Hi Pili how are you? I’m Ainhoa of 5th level B.
    I don’t like to wear uniforms because I like to dress differently than others. Many kisses Pili !!!

  14. pili.lo Post author

    Dear Ainhoa, how are you? I miss you and I miss singing and laughing with the class! Thanks for your opinion and see you soon!

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