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Yellow submarine

I attach a video if you want to practice the song “Yellow submarine”. See you! [youtube][/youtube]

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Let’s say the numbers!

I recommend you these videos to learn and use the numbers from 1 to 100!! [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]    

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Reading skill: making predictions.

   Last week, we learned a new reading strategy; making predictions. Step 1: Read the title of the book. Step 2: Imagine what is going to happen in the book. We have to make a prediction and then we write … Continua llegint

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We love leprechauns!

Leprechauns are tiny creatures who lives at the end of the rainbows. Last March we have celebrate Saint Patrick an Irish tradition. We did Leprechaun’s traps to hunt them and take their big pot of gold coins. Good luck!!   … Continua llegint

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Reading skills

Reading is an important skill for learning a language. We want to improve it so we have a new library at the English class! We’ll find books like “The very hungry caterpillar”, “The mitten”, “Gruffalo”,…and some related to “Seas and … Continua llegint

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We record our descriptions!

We recorded the descriptions about some famous people like Shakira, C. Ronaldo, Buggs Bunny, Lola Bunny,…and later we could listen and practice the pronunciation. It’s very important for us to learn how we pronounce because in English we write very … Continua llegint

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Who is it?

To practice speaking and describing people, we play the game “Who is it?” in class! It is very funny and useful!

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To celebrate Saint George’s we have seen a video about the legend and later we did a Castle with some pictures and the parts of the story.

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Welcome back to School!

Everyday in our “Routines” we sing these songs about “Days of the week” and “Months of the year”. We love it!” We recommend you to watch these videos if you want to improve your English. [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]

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És ben sabut que durant el summer tenim molt temps lliure. Podem aprofitar aquest time per a practicar some sports, posar-nos morenos, anar a la beach o a la swimming pool, llegir algun book, dormir fins ben tard, mirar la television,… Però, a banda de tot això, també tenim molt de … Continua llegint

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