
Children in year 6 will sing the catalan version of the song “Imagine” by John Lennon at the School Christmas Show on Wednesday 21st December. The original version in English sounds very good. Listen to it and enjoy it!
Imagine all the people living life in PEACE…

Aquest article ha estat publicat en Cicle Inicial, Cicle Mitjà, Cicle Superior, Ed. Infantil, General. Afegeix a les adreces d'interès l'enllaç permanent.

6 respostes a Imagine

  1. Adrian carrasco diu:

    Aquest video m’hagrada molt.

  2. Ester 4tA diu:

    Hola Araceli. La cançó Imagine es molt guapa.

  3. araceli diu:

    Thank you Adri! It’s really nice. 😉

  4. araceli diu:

    Yes, it is. It’s a beautiful song. Thank you Esther! 😉

  5. Adrià diu:

    Vam cantar molt bé!!! 😛 😀

  6. Adrià diu:

    We sing very well!

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