Arxiu de l'autor: araceli

The BEATLES (“All my loving”, “O-bla-di o-bla-da”, “She loves you”)

Publicat dins de Cicle Superior, General | 1 comentari

Our Solar System

There are eight planets and some dwarf planets in our Solar System. The Earth is bigger than Mercury but Jupiter is bigger than the Earth. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System but the Sun is much bigger … Continua llegint

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Verb TO BE

Click on the links to do some grammar practice on verb TO BE. Thanks Nuria Yepes for sharing. Activity 1: Activity 2: Activity 3: Activity 4:

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Wonders of the world: the most amazing pictures!

Click on the picture of Mount Everest and learn about the Seven Wonders of the World. De varis

Publicat dins de Cicle Mitjà, Cicle Superior, General | 1 comentari


Lyrics | Ray Parker – Ghostbusters lyrics

Publicat dins de Cicle Superior, General | 2 comentaris

What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong.

Publicat dins de Cicle Superior, General | 5 comentaris


Children in year 6 will sing the catalan version of the song “Imagine” by John Lennon at the School Christmas Show on Wednesday 21st December. The original version in English sounds very good. Listen to it and enjoy it! Imagine … Continua llegint

Publicat dins de Cicle Inicial, Cicle Mitjà, Cicle Superior, Ed. Infantil, General | 6 comentaris

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! Karaoke version!!

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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!

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Look at this funny video about animals and their Families! Are they big families or small families?

Publicat dins de Cicle Inicial, Cicle Mitjà, Cicle Superior, Ed. Infantil, General | Etiquetat com a | Deixa un comentari