Colònies d’anglès a Tamarit

Ja hem tornat i ens ho hem passat molt bé! Els alumnes de 6è de la ZER Tres Branques han tingut una actitud exemplar i qui millor que ells mateixos per explicar l’experiència!

Ia (Escola Les Passeres): My favourite part of the school trip was when we went kayaking. Jana and I were a bit slow and a boat came to rescue us. The food was so good and the night was amazing!

Marc: My first and last English school trip was amazing. My favourite part was when we went kayaking and the disco. In the room I was with my friends Joel, Blai and Quim. A boat came to rescue Joel and I because we were the last ones.

Joana: My favourite part was the kayak. My partner was my friend Tània and it was amazing! We saw two jelly fishes and we almost crush with some rocks. It was so difficult to get into the kayak again. I really liked this school trip. It was super good!

Blai: The school trip was very funny. We only stayed two days but we did a lot of things. At night we danced at the disco. It was amazing! We also went kayaking at the beach. The food was very good and we ate pizza.

Júlia: It was amazing! Georgina and I went kayaking together. We really enjoyed it! A good boy rescued us with a boat. We did a disco at night. Georgina and I slept together. We played a lot of games and we had a really good time.

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Colònies d’anglès a Tamarit

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