The quality label for Our Present, Our Past, our Future is ours!
And our Polish friends have also got theirs, so we can count on the European quality label, soon!
The quality label for Our Present, Our Past, our Future is ours!
And our Polish friends have also got theirs, so we can count on the European quality label, soon!
To write about our future, we are moving from this blog into a wiki. Together with our Polish friends we are reflecting about how we would like our future to be!
These are the pictures
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
And these are some of the texts
Pupils can write a paragraph on any subject of their interest. Each paragraph is worth 5 goldstars. This is an optional task, open to all.
When pupils write up to 10 paragraphs on a given subject in a single term, corect their errors anr reflect on them, they win the right to have an extra exam mark. This mark sums up the effort they have put in their paragraphs and is usually quite high. Their booklets are then published on the blog.
These are the pupils who have been constant enough to get extra exam marks this school year.
Karen S. was interested in Young singers:
Damaris carried out a research on famous people on the third term
This is what I wish for you all, and for myself too, this 2010!
Happy New Year!!
Both Poland and Spain are working together in this timeline, gathering the News that interest us.
Happy holidays! Relax, enjoy, eat and drink… but find the time to interview your parents, too!