Category Archives: English summer

Cartells a l’hort

Aquesta setmana hem estat envernissant uns cartellets per posar a l’hort. Els hem envernissat amb oli de llinassa perquè la pluja no els faci malbé ja que són de fusta. I aquest matí ja els hem anat a posar a l’hort. Els cartellets diuen el nom de les diferents hortalisses que hi hem plantat o sembrat: porros, carrotes, api, cogombre, carbassons, albergínies, remolatxa, cols, enciams, tavelles, cebes, pebrots, tomates…
Després a l’hora del pati, hi hem tornat per treure les males herbes de cada paradeta perquè les plantes puguin créixer millor.
Ja tinc ganes que creixin les carrotes i els enciams i puguem fer una amanida!

Marc Saavedra

Writing our recipes

First we decided which recipe we wanted to elaborate, there were lots of ideas… When we had decided, we started to write it down in small groups. It wasn’t easy, we had to look up words in the dictionary and ask our parents which was the easier way to make the recipe we had chosen.

After the big effort, we finally become real cooks!







We have done different types of gymkhana. The first one consisted of four different English games (Twister, “chairs’ game”, “Who wants to be a millionaire?” and “linking words” game) and the students had a “passport” that had to be completed at the end of each game. This way, once they passed an activity, the teacher put a sticker on the passport and so on. At the end, as a prize, they received a medal as you can see in the photo.
The second one was a sport gymkhana and the third one (that was one of the activities of the Montferrer’s annual party that the students organized) was completely organized by the students.






Once a week we have done corners. There were 4 different corners (games, library, writing and computer) and in each corner there were different groups. The students stayed in a corner 20 minutes and after that, they changed.




The first two weeks

During the first two weeks we have been working on the school’s vegetable garden. Firstly, we talked about all the products we had in our vegetable garden since we wanted to elaborate recipes based on the products that we can obtain from it in order to record a TV programme. Considering that we wanted our students to get familiarized with the different vegetables, we put the English names of each product next to it in the vegetable garden and we did different activities related with it (bingo, memory, hangman, etc.). After that, in groups, the students decided which recipe they wanted to cook and they started to work on it: they chose the ingredients, they wrote the different steps to cook it, they organize themselves to decide who brought each product, etc. Finally, they elaborate their own “chef hat” and they brought from home an apron.
Some days before recording the TV programme, each group prepared their recipe and when they were prepared we record it, and it was wonderful! Here you have some pictures if you want to have a look, they seemed real chefs, aren’t they?











English summer

Aquest mes de juliol i gràcies a una subvenció del Departament d’Ensenyament i al suport de l’Ajuntament de Montferrer i Castellbò, l’escola ha organitzat un casal d’estiu en llengua anglesa.
Es tracta d’un projecte d’immersió lingüística, per tant, la llengua utilitzada durant el casal serà l’anglesa. L’objectiu del casal és que els nens i nenes convisquin amb l’anglès de forma natural tot realitzant activitats de lleure.
Les dos primeres setmanes es realitzaran activitats relacionades amb l’hort ecològic que hi ha a l’escola i l’alimentació; i les dos darreres les activitats giraran entorn al tema de la festa major.
