15 comentaris a “Always, sometimes, often, never

  1. Hi Merche!
    I play the game of always, often, sometimes and never my score was 100%.I learn new words: hardly and usualy.
    Bye bye!

  2. Hi, Merche
    I played with two games in the game of sometimes, often, always and never, my score are 89%. And in the game of questions my score are 100%. Two games are easy and fun.
    See you

  3. Hi Merche.
    I play the game always, often, sometimes and never and it’s very easy. My score is 20/20.
    SEE YOU!!!!!!!!

  4. Hi merche.In this gama my score is 100.00%.I like this game and is god with estudy the exam
    Good by

  5. I’m Marc Serrano. I like the game I played. It is very great. All my answerw were right!!!

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