Describing animals

It is… grey / brown /pink
It is a… mammal / reptile / an insect / mollusc /bird / fish / an invertebrate …
It has… feathers / scales / fur / horns / shell / hooves / wings / claw …
It lives in a… desert / jungle / ocean / forest / cave // on a farm // in Australia / in Africa / in Europe…
It eats… grass / fruits / fish / leaves / insects / other animals / plankton…
It is a herbivore /carnivore /omnivore.
It is about …1 / 2 / 3… metres tall / long.
It can… jump / run / dive / sting / fly / gallop / swim / climb trees…
It is… bigger / smaller / faster / slower / heavier / lighter … than a …

2 comentaris a “Describing animals

  1. hello Merche I’m Laura, this scheme it went very well for the description of the animal
    thanks for everything

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