5 thoughts on “Difference between ‘used to’ and ‘would’

  1. Maria T.

    Hi Anna!
    I didn’t know that “would” could be used to describe actions in the past! I know you mentioned it one day in class, but in fact I didn’t remember it at all. The explanation is really good (with lots of examples!) and the exercises are very useful! Now I think that I’ve understood the difference between used to and would.

    Thank you!

    See you this afternoon.


  2. Marina López

    As Maria said, I neither know before that “would” could be as well to talk about the past! The explanation from BBC it so clear! So I have understod how can I use both (would & used to). Nevertheless I had some mistakes in the last activity.
    See you!

  3. Veronica

    Hello Anna!
    As Maria and Marina, I´ve just met about the difference between “used to” and “would”. The explanation was so understandable and the exercises were very interesting and handy too. This kind of exercises are useful because help us to improve our grammatical mistakes.
    See you tomorrow.

  4. Joan R.

    Hi friends,

    Well, A good exercise, I think third link is wrong. I had some problems with past states and using the past simple, but I got a nice mark.


    Joan, procrastinating a little bit.

  5. Núria J

    Hi Anna,

    I found this website very useful. I couldn’t do the last exercise 🙁 but the others, help me to understand the issue very well!!

    Thank you for your hard work!!

    See you on Monday!!

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