Comparatives and Superlatives (5è-6è)

Here there are some activities and an explanation to practise the Comparatives and Superlatives that we are studying.

(cliqueu en la imatge i primer trobareu una explicació de com es forma el comparatiu i el superlatiu. Després, a sota teniu una opció que diu First exercise. Clique allà i començareu a fer les activitats).

2 thoughts on “Comparatives and Superlatives (5è-6è)

  1. iris

    I like the exercice of comparatives and superlatives.I don’t easy, but i don’t complicated and it’s very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!And the misterius woman it’s very funny too. bye!


  2. Jessica i Laura

    hello!!! 🙂
    i’m Laura, i like his web. is fun!!
    i’m jessica ,
    i’m very pepona!!!!!!!!11

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