Revision activity of There is (singular) and There are (plural).
Have you got the Ten points? Let me know it!!! 🙂
Hello children from 4t
I’ve found a very interesting and useful web page to study and revise everything we do at class. There are the 8 units we are going to study this year, first click on the Owl and then UNIT… and finally do the activities.
(aquesta pàgina us serà de gran ajuda, ja que només hi ha activitats relacionades amb tot el que fem a classe, tant d’ara, com d’unitats anteriors. Recomano que la visiteu diàriament).
Click on the pictures and play with the activities. Then write your result (cada imatge us porta a una activitat diferent per treballar les rutines que estem estudiant i altres més.Quan acabeu envieu un missatge dient el vostre resultat o el què feu diàriament)
I get up at half past seven. I have a shower. I get dressed. I have breakfast at eight o’clock. I brush my teeth at half past eight. And I go to school at nine o’clock