Here you can interview this woman. Try to ask as much questions as you can to get more information. (és un xat robòtic, és a dir, que totes les preguntes ben formulades en anglès us les repondrà. A veure qui és capaç de descobrir més informació sobre aquest personatge…Envieu les vostres troballes).
Hello Laia the game mister woman is very interesting.¿What do you do?
Hello Laia my name is Carla, the mister woman is very kind,is my friend.
Is fantasticcccccccccccccccccccccccccc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The misterious woman likes play tennis, a Catherine Zeta -Jhones, chat on line, play computer games and holidays.
I like this game very much!!
Hello Carla, Marta and Martina?
How are you?
I’m fine 🙂
Good job!
I see you have some information about the misterious woman.
Remember to write all the information you find about her!
Have fun!
See you on Monday
bye bye
jo he fet aixo en un full.
bye bye¡¡!!
hello Laia.
aquet treball l’he fet en un full i aquet programa es molt divertit.
hello Laia the game misterius woman is fantastic
1 What’s your name? My name is Alice
2 Where are you from? Betheleham Now i live in California
3 How old are you? I am 8 of you earth years
4 What do you like? I like movies about robots
5 What’s your favorite colour? My favorite colour is green
6 How many brother has you got? About one million
Bye bye
Raquel ( of class 5é)
hello laia mane neme is aritz the game misterius woman is very interesanting.
bbbbbbbyyyyeeeeeeeee bbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!!
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m Joana .
jo crec que per cicle mitja aixo es massa dificil per que la majoria de les preguntas (per no dir totes) no las entenem , jo crec que aixo auria de ser per cicle superior