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Comentaris recents
- Marti Maynegre en CITTÀ INFINITA
- Martí Maynegre en Santa Cecilia
- Maria en Disseccionem ulls de vedella
- Carme Pérez en Els determinants
Arxiu de la categoria: General
Summer holidays are here! Here are some recommendations to keep your English fit! EL CURS S’ACABA, PERÒ AQUÍ TENIU ALGUNES RECOMANACIONS PER MANTENIR EL VOSTRE ANGLÈS EN FORMA! Activitats online: jocs i exercicis per practicar vocabulari, gramàtica i comprensió oral … Continua llegint
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Do you remember when LOUSTIC arrived at our school? [youtube]https://youtu.be/RcmH2J5kIvQ[/youtube] Can you see our mascots Patufet and Patufeta too?
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ETWINNING: Daily routines
4th graders show LUSTIC’s daily routines. [youtube]https://youtu.be/gdeTm3Z6LfM[/youtube]
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Everyday weather
What’s the weather like today? Our 4th graders tell! [youtube]https://youtu.be/84iNKVbDijU[/youtube] You can practice at home with our class schema:
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ETWINNING: Catalan food specialities
Our 4th graders participate in an etwinning project with other schools from France, Rumania and Spain. We shared some traditional Catalan dishes. Can you see LUSTIC, the French mascot, in the video? [youtube]https://youtu.be/Sj-wtivpSSQ[/youtube]
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What time is it?
Can you tell the time? Click on the picture and play the game: https://clic.xtec.cat/projects/time/jclic.js/index.html
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CONVERSATION: “In Alex’s kitchen”
Hi, 4th graders! Here you can find the LISTENING from UNIT 3. Read the TEXT in the CLASS BOOK. Study to ACT OUT in class! This image, audio and their rights are property of Oxford University Press. The share in this blog has no commercial, but … Continua llegint
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Compartim regals de Nadal
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