Trhiller by Michael Jackson

Podeu començar a cantar amb en Michael. Disfruteu!

You can start singing with Michael. Enjoy yourselves!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

7 thoughts on “Trhiller by Michael Jackson

  1. rmunoz5

    Hi Joseph!! I love all the Halloween activities… And the new English class is fantastic. You are doing a great work, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

  2. clàudia molons

    hello josep!
    I’m clàudia of sixty A
    I love this video and song.And i love coreogaphi*
    I like michael jackson but I sorry his did.

    bye , bye josep until Monday

    * no se si s’escriu aixi tot i que vull dir coreografia.

  3. jrodr223 Post author

    Thank you Roxy! I prepare all to your return. I’m really happy to enjoy the new English class and all the technological resources. Jordi told me you have a bloc! What is your addres? I can learn and copy your activities and experiences. Lots of love.

  4. jrodr223 Post author

    Don’t worry, I undestand what you want to say me. I love this video, too. Next week we are going to work thr lyrics. Bye

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