4 thoughts on “Listening Practice

  1. Mariona

    Hi Anna! I’ve watched the Randall’s videos and other videos and they are great. I’m writting also because I’m really sorry for what happened at class today, I know you have worked hard to make all of this activities for us and I know too that we don’t work. I don’t want to put excuses for my lack of work, I only want to tell you that don’t feel desesperate it’s all our fault, you are a good teacher and you are doing a great job with us. And I don’t know what will do my classmates, but I know that I’m going to do all my exercises and I’m going to improve my English, because you are the greatest teachr I’ve ever had. And for you, it’s worthwhile.

  2. amorales Post author

    Hi Mariona. I am happy to know that you find this address useful. Thank you very much for your kind words. I really appreciate them. I know that you are great people because we always have a good time together when you work.
    I’m very proud of you Mariona. You are an excellent student and I know that your English will improve a great deal this year because you are working hard. See you on Wednesday.

  3. María

    Oh my god! I just only wanted to write a comment in your blog. And I found it, What happent with your students. If I have to “pushing” them please don’t hesitate to say me. eh!! (I was only joking).

    I found this web very very o more interesting and useful but mmm a little easy..

    I would like to check all your web but, I don’t have as much time as I used to. (Don’t say nothing I’m at work jajjaja.)

    See you on Monday and please continue teaching us because you are the best teacher I had.

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