Author Archives: mgarc944

So this is music

 [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

1. Write  a description about your favourite singer or band.

  • Name
  • Nationality
  • Eyes and hair colour
  • Family
  • Favourite hobbies
  • Your favourite song/video, etc. . .

2. Add pictures of the singer/band and a video of your favourite song/s.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Blogging with 1-B

Welcome again! This term you are going to create your own blogs. Don’t worry it’s very easy. I just hope you enjoy the experience and it helps you to improve your English.

1. Write a short introduction about you using a powerpoint presentation

2. Add your powerpoint presentation to your blog. Go to

3. Upload your presentation. Copy the embedded code and add it to your blog. Don’t forget the title!!

Wednesday 15

Today you’re going to work on line; so, just click on the link and start working.

Fes click en el link i comença a treballar.

Si vols també pots fer els listenings i els exercicis de vocabulari taronja. Scroll down to see them!


Practica les presentacions amb aquest listening: Exercise 1

Com es pronuncia "Mike"? Fes aquest listening per pràcticar noms Exercise 2 

I per últim, si pensabas que coneixies tots el països Just watch the video and learn!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


Try these exercises and check your knowledge!

 Numbers               Numbers                Numbers           
 Ordinal numbers             Ordinal numbers                 Ordinal numbers     
Days of the week  Days of the week  Days of the week
Months of the year  Months of the year  Months
What time is it?  The time  The time
Classroom objects  Classroom objects  

Welcome to my blog

Espero que disfruteu amb aquest blog que utilitzarem per practicar anglès, fer exercicis on line i repàs.

Les activitats del blog són de tres colors diferents (blue / green  / orange i cadascuna indica un nivell.

Per fer una activitat heu de seguir els següents passos:

1. Busqueu el vostre color

2. Cliqueu a sobre i s’obrirà una nova finestra

3. Ja podeu començar a treballar.