Durant aquest mes, el Montcau i la Mola estem treballant en el projecte “Our Monster!” on treballem les parts del cos i el verb tenir en anglès. Durant aquestes setmanes, els nens i nenes han fet diferents activitats: presentar els monstres que han trobat al pati, jugar al bingo, jocs de taula, cançons…
La setmana vinent començarem a preparar el nostre producte final i en breus us el presentarem a tots/es.
During this month, El Montcau and La Mola are working on the project “Our Monster!” where we work on body parts and the verb “to have”. During these weeks, children have done different activities: presenting the monsters they have found in the playground, playing bingo, board games, songs…
Next week we will start preparing our final product and soon we will present it to you.