In I4 we play at this game: peek-a- boo. One of us hide in one place in the classroom while the others are having their eyes close. Then the child hid say peek-a-boo on his place and the others have to find it.
Arxiu de la categoria: Infantil
Red, yellow, green, blue….
In I3 we are learning the colours. Do you know what is our favourite song for learn it?Here you have the song. Ask to your son or daugther how we dance it.
I hope you enjoy it!
Greenman and rain water
In I5 we have been working the names of diferents types of food, we have talked about the taste of foods also. Here is a story that we have explained at class. You can listen to it now at home!
The animals!
In I3 we have worked the names of the animals in English, we learned also their sounds and how they walk. Here it is a song about the pets (animals de companyia) that we have listened at class and we really like. You can sing it at home!
Where is Greenman?
In I5 this week we told one of Greenman’s stories. Here you can watch it like a cartoon!
One little finger
In I3 we are working the parts of the body. The hands, the feet, the tummy and many more. Here is a song we are dancing in the class, now you can dance it at home.
Have fun!
I’m a little snowman
Christmas is coming and with the girls and boys from I5 are going to sing a song in english for the Christmas festival. It is called “I’m a little snowman” we have a dance too.
Now you can practice it at home!
If you are happy!
In I3 we love to sing and dance to this song when we are happy!
Now we can sing it at home.
Places in the town
St. George day!!
Last week we enjoyed with the legend of St. George in the class. We knew the principal characters: princess, dragon, knight and king. Here you can see the story: