We are youtubers.
3Hello guys!
You can vote your favorite youtuber in this link:
We will say the winner next Tuesday.
Sandra 🙂
Halloween pumpkins.
Hello guys, are you ready for HALLOWEEN? As every year, we are preparing the Halloween party, for this reason, we want you to make, with your parents help, a wonderful Halloween pumpkin. Are you ready?
Get these types to make them:
Com cada any la setmana vinent es celebrarà la Castanyada i també la festa de Halloween.
Aquí us deixo un vídeo i unes idees per la vostra Pumpkin lantern. Recordeu que és una feina voluntària i que l’heu de portar per l’exposició el dilluns 30 o dimarts 31 al matí com a molt tardar.
L’exposició als pares serà el dia 31 d’ octubre i 2 de noviembre.
Podeu treballar per parelles si voleu.
EDMODO with 6th grade.
0Hello everyone! This year, the boys and girls of sixth grade will work with the application called EDMODO . On this website, you can watch videos, upload files, and learn a lot of new things seen in class.
If you are a parent, or a student you can enter on the link below, with your class code, and start to work hard with us.(
6th A CODE: shyjkr
6th B CODE: gs6q8a
6th C CODE: x5hys3
Have a nice week.
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