
We have learned a lot about farm animals over the past few weeks, listened to the story of the Three Little Pigs and danced and sung the Old MacDonald Has a Farm song.

Here is a collection of photos, the song and a very fun game to practice at home!

Aquestes setmanes hem après moltes coses dels animals de la granja, hem escoltat el conte dels Three Little Pigs i hem ballat i cantat la cançó Old MacDonald Has a Farm

Aquí teniu un recull de fotos, la cançó i un joc molt divertit per a practicar a casa!



This week with the arrival of spring we received a very special visit, the Easter Bunny! That has left us many Easter eggs hidden on the terrace! We had a great time playing Easter Egg Hunt!

Aquesta setmana amb l’arribada de la primavera hem rebut una visita molt especial, l’Easter Bunny! que ens ha deixat molts “Easter eggs” amagats a la terrasseta! Ens ho hem passat molt bé jugant a l’” Easter egg hunt”!



Hello everyone!

This week we celebrated Halloween! We discovered some facts about this American tradition through songs, games and the story  Go Away Big Green Monster! 

Aquesta setmana hem celebrat Halloween! Hem pogut descobrir com és aquesta tradició nord-americana mitjançant cançons, jocs i el conte “Go away Big Green Monster!

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