L’artista ripollès Eudald Alabau serà el nostre referent al llarg de tot aquest curs.
Abans de començar amb el nostres petits projectes artístics, l’Eudald ha vingut a la nostra escola per ensenyar-nos alguns dels seus treballs i hem quedat impressionats de les coses que arriba a fer… Ens ha encantat!
També ens ha explicat què representen les seves obres i com utilitza els elements de la natura per inspirar-se i expressar un munt de coses.
In this workshop we have turned the playground into a new place. We have inspired by Eudald Alabau’s works in the nature to make different things using stones, sand, leaves, trunks and our imagination.
L’Anna, la Berta i la Laura de 3r, inspirades pels treballs “Land Art” de l’Eudald Alabau han realitzat una mandala al pati.
Ja ho veieu, per crear només cal imaginació i un xic de paciència. L’entorn ens ofereix moltes possibilitats… Felicitats, noietes!
In the Arts&crafts workshop, children observe microscopic seeds in internet and then they create new seeds with plasticine. Some children stick different materials on the plasticine ball or they make some holes on it. Finally they varnish the seed with a paintbrush.
L’Eudald Alabau segueix els nostres treballs a través del bloc i ara ens envia un parell d’adreces d’internet amb fotos de treballs “Land Art” molt interessants.
More “Land Art” projects in the Arts&crafts workshop.
Students make a natural net with trunks or branches and stemps.
Pupils took the advantage of the fact that we were in Montesquiu Castle to enjoy playing with autumn leaves.
WORKING WITH ICE – Flickr Eudald Alabau
Eudald Alabau came another time to the school to spend the afternoon with us. Children brought ice bricks from their homes that we all together put in the playground in a square. Then we built an ice maze lining up the bricks one by one.
We enjoyed a lot with this land art activity about the ice.
Pupils take different things from our natural environment and stick them on the mud. Sometimes they remove the natural elements and we can see the print of the nature on the mud.
They have used small branches, truncks, leaves, accorns and other fruits.
Pupils explain their land-art works.
Your work is fantastic! Enjoy it!