Arxiu de la categoria: PILE CONTEST


Our 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders have participated in a “logo” contest that is going to represent our school regarding the PILE project we are participating in. On one hand, we wanted our students to get involved in another aspect of the project. On the other hand, they were told that their production had to transmit some ideas of what does it mean to learn a foreign language (to learn, to travel, to communicate, to share cultures, etc.).
> Below you can see the finalists and the winner. You must know that it was hard for the jury to choose only one logo because there were many great ones.
> Thanks children of CM and CS for your enthusiasm!

Els nois i les noies des de 3r fins a 6è han participat en un concurs de LOGOS per tal d´escollir el que representi la nostra escola, dins del projecte PILE. Hem volgut, d´una banda, que els alumnes se sentissin més partícips del projecte, i de l´altra, que intentessin representar en el logo tota una sèrie d´aspectes relacionats amb l´aprenentatge d´una llengua estrangera (aprendre, viatjar, comunicar-se, compartir i intercanviar trets culturals, etc.).
> Tot seguit, us mostrem els logos finalistes i el guanyador. Cal dir, però, que, al jurat, ens va costar força triar-ne un de sol, perquè n´hi havia molts de molt bons.
> Gràcies nens i nenes de CM i CS per haver-hi participat amb tantes ganes!

Christmas in New York

If it didn’t already feel like Christmas in New York, it does now. A simple flick of a switch and possibly the world’s most famous festive tree is aglow once more.

Thousands of New Yorkers stood side by side with tourists in Midtown Manhattan this week to count down alongside a host of stars at the Rockefeller Center’s 76th tree lighting ceremony (read more below).

New York’s appeal for visiting Britons may have waned as the beleaguered pound has dropped but if shopping isn’t your main priority then the Big Apple in December is still hard to resist.

Brimming with holiday spirit that won’t cost you a dime, it really is the nicest time of year to go.

From the dinosaur-shaped Christmas trees that welcome visitors at the American Museum of National History to the Salvation Army bell ringers that seem to stand on every street corner, New York’s feel-good factor can melt the hardest of hearts.

And if you’re lucky, you’ll find it all under a dusting of snow too. So, earmuffs at the ready, here’s the best of the Big Apple’s must-see yuletide attractions.