Bananas in pyjamas (song and lyrics)
The body (Head, shoulders, knees and toes)
Sesame Street: Cookie Monster Sings C is for Cookie (per aprendre la C, cançó)
Colours song (karaoke) (red,yellow ,blue and green)
Earth day (papers, cans, plastic)
Eggy’s rhyming stories (animals and situations)
Funny farm (five) 1 to 5
Ring -A- Ring – A – Roses song
Ten in the bed (with 6), video
Toucan two (video)
Wow wow Wubbzy. Be happy! (song)
GENERAL: Sharing for learning (from 1st to 6th)
Animals. The bear went over the mountain song
Are you sleeping? song Primer i segon
Classroom objects (video song) Primer i segon
Classroom objects (video 1) Segon i tercer
Classroom objects (video 2) Segon i tercer
Classroom objects vocabulary Primer i segon
Colours Primer i Segon
Colours 2 Primer i segon
Colours 3 Primer i segon
Colour song Primer i segon
Family (video) Primer
Find out 1 interactive Primer
Food (vocabulary)Primer, Segon i Tercer
Food interactive Primer i segon
Numbers Primer
Numbers game (Joc) Primer
Numbers video Primer
Numbers 1-10 song Primer
Numbers, Bubble gum math 1 to 11 Primer
Numbers. Higgly ball Primer
Numbers 1-12 Primer
Numbers, countdown Primer
Pets 3 Primer
Put on your… Primer
School objects Primer
Take off your… Primer
The house Primer i segon
The house 2 Primer i segon
The leaves on the tree (cançó) Infantil i Primer
Toys Primer
1st & 2nd Activities Primer i segon
1st and 2nd activities cnice Primer i segon
Animals Segon
Animals 2 Segon
Animals 3, teletubbies games Segon
Animals (farm animals) Segon
Body Segon
Body (label) Segon
Body cartoon Segon
Objects in my classroom Segon
Colours Segon
Food Segon
House Segon
In the Classroom Segon
Itsy, Bitsy spider song Segon
Dress the teddybear Segon
Greetings and goodbyes Segon
Face Segon
Family 1 Segon
Farm animals Segon
Food (healthy, unhealthy) Segon
Old Mcdonald has a farm (video song) Segon
Parrot tricks (orders) (good for Simon says) Primer i segon
Numbers 11-20 Segon
Numbers 10-20 labeling Segon
Numbers 1-20 (video) Segon
Numbers elimination 1-20 Segon
Numbers raga 1-20 Segon
Numbers. Count the chickens Primer i segon
The Pinocchio song (teaching tips) Segon
Toys and materials Segon
Transports Segon
Transports 2 Segon
Winnie the witch video. Segon
Alphabet song Tercer
Alphabet match up Tercer
Alphabet song 2 Tercer
Alphabet song 3 Tercer
Alphabet street Tercer
Animals, find the drawing (wild and not wild animals)
The ABC game Tercer
Bingo dog’s song (spelling) bingo Tercer
A Birthday party Tercer
Body: head, shoulders, etc Tercer
Clothes Tercer
Clothes 2 Tercer
Clothes 3 Tercer
Clothes 4 Tercer
Clothes and weather Tercer
Clothes. Dress me up. Tercer
Clothes for winter Tercer
Days of the week Tercer
Days of the week 2 tercer
Days of the week song Tercer
Days of the week (clap the hands)
Days of the week rap Tercer
Food 1 Tercer
Food 2 Tercer
Food 3 (What’s for breakfast?)
Food and drink Tercer
Fruit & vegetables Tercer
I’ve got a robot song Tercer
Match the kit (What is She/He wearing? Tercer i quart
Musical instruments Tercer i quart
Months Tercer
Days and months song (karaoke) Tercer i quart
Describing people (power point)
Musical instrumentsTercer i Quart
Nut hunt (game) Tercer
Safe street Tercer
School objects. Where is it? Tercer
Sports maze. Tercer
Sports. What do you need for playing? (pairs) Tercer
Summer holidays Tercer
The body (power p.) Tercer
The leaves on the tree song Tercer
The numbers from 1 to 100 (song)
The time (flower time) Tercer
The time (Hip hop around the clock) Tercer
The time Tercer
The time 2 Tercer
Transports Tercer
What time is it? Tercer
Where is it? (prepositions) Tercer
Welcome to Smiling Town Tercer
Actions verbs Quart
Actions, find the drawing Quart
Actions (Qizlet) quart
Adventure camp Quart
Animal Band quizQuart i Cinquè
At the camp Quart
At the fancy dress party (wearing) Tercer i quart
Bobo, the baby elphant grows up (listen, read and see story) Quart
Camping things Quart
Corduroy (reading book) Quart
Daily routines Quart
Daily routines game Quart
Daily routines (interactive) Quart
Daily routines Quart
Days and months Quart
Describing people (power p.) Quart
Describing people. Who am I? Quart
Face match (describing people) Quart
Find the adjective Quart
Games and seasons Quart
Halloween Tercer i Quart
Haunted house (game) Quart
How much is it? Quart
Identipet (Identify pets) Quart
Julia and the big wave (story with sound, text and images) Quart
Keep the park clean, please! Quart
Let’s make a comic! Quart
Money (sums) Quart
Months of the year quart
Months of the year song Quart
Musical instruments Quart
Musical instruments and feelings Quart
My dad (reading & listening story) Quart
Numbers 1-100 Quart
Planet Earth (reading and listening cartoon) Quart
Sea life Quart
School subjects Quart
School subjects 2 Quart
Human skeleton (label). Quart
Shops Quart
Shops and directions
Spin and spell game Quart
Supermarket trolley game Quart
The circus (power p.)
The classroom Quart
The clever rabbit (6 m. video) Quart i Cinquè
THE CURE. Friday I’m in love ( video song ) Quart i cinquè
THE CURE. Friday I’m in love lyrics (lletra) Quart i cinquè
The first quest Quart
The lazy bear (story about seasons) Quart
The second quest Quart
The starry night. VINCENT VAN GOGH Tallers de 4t i 3r
The time Quart i cinquè
The time. Stop the clock Quart
What TIME is it? Quart
We’re going on a bear hunt (video story) Quart
Who am I? Quart
The time (explanation) Quart
The time. Stop the clock 2 Quart
The wolf and the seven kids (8.44 Quart
The water cycle (easy) Quart
The water cycle (difficult) Quart
Water cycle Quart
What is there in the park? Quart
What would you say? Quart
What’s the weather like? Quart
When do we use…? Quart
ABC Zoo (animals in a zoo, listening and reading cartoon) Cinquè
Actions and abilities Cinquè i sisè
Adjectives cinquè i sisè
Adjectives and opposites Cinquè
Ali and the magic carpet (reading cartoon story) Cinquè
Animal kingdom Cinquè
Animal kingdom. Present simple
Being different is O.K. (writing) Cinquè
Comparative Cinquè
Comparative exercise cinquè
Comparative video lesson Cinquè
Comparative, A sightseeing tour (story)Cinquè
Continents Cinquè
A world of countries (labeling countries) Cinquè
Countries and nationalities cinquè
Countries and nationalities (questions and answers 1)
Countries and nationalities (questions and answers 2)
Countries and nationalities (questions and answers 3)
Countries of Europe Cinquè
Describing people Cinquè
Exercise is good for you. Cinquè
Family cinquè
Family relationships cinquè
Find out 5 cinquè
Food chains cinquè
Fruit and vegetables Cinquè
Insect world cinquè
Jobs 1 Cinquè
Jobs 2 Cinquè
Languages and countries Cinquè
Means of Communication Cinquè
My classroom Cinquè
My favourite day – Diwali story Cinquè i Sisè
Ocean animals information Cinquè
Ocean animals video Cinquè
Opposites adjectives Cinquè
Our town Cinquè
Plants. The life cycling of flowering plants. cinquè
Plants grow well cinquè
The lucky seed (story) cinquè
Present continuous Cinquè
Present continuous. Choose the correct answer. Cinquè
Present continuous grammar exercises. Cinquè
Present continuous grammar exercises (fill the gap). Cinquè
Present continuous grammar exe. (fill the gap) 2. Cinquè
Present continuous grammar exercises (fill the gap) 3 Cinquè
Present continuous grammar exercises (fill the gap) 4. cinquè
Physical or non physical activities Cinquè
Places in the town Cinquè
Present simple (writing) Cinquè
Present simple, 3rd person Cinquè
Present simple quiz Cinquè
Present simple. One small world song Cinquè
School Subjects Cinquè
Seasons and months Quart i cinquè
Smiling Studios Cinquè
Solar system Cinquè
Sports. Active life Cinquè
Sports, physical and not physical activities Cinquè
The animal shelter story Cinquè
The bedroom Cinquè
The city Cinquè
The city. Places in town Cinquè
The city, choose destination Cinquè
The giving tree (book reading) Cinquè
The house and its objects Cinquè
The human body is amazing Cinquè
The donkey want to sing (5.51 m. video)
Ther is/There are exercise Cinquè
There is/There are exercise 2 cinquè
Verb to be (am, are, is) grammar
Vocabulary (learn and game) cinquè
Weather Cinquè
What are you doing? Cinquè
Adverbs of frequency hangman Sisè
My breakfast Sisè
English breakfast Sisè
Cross-cultural enquiry Spain-Ireland (reading). Sisè
Class Rules and Market Day: THE GAME Sisè
COLDPLAY. Viva la vida (song and lyrics) Sisè i cinquè
COLDPLAY. Viva la vida, lyrics Sisè i cinquè
Comparing Sisè
Comparative and superlative forms 1 Sisè
Comparative and superlative forms Sisè
Comparative and superlative sentences Sisè
Dangerous animals Sisè
Electronic devices (read and learn) Sisè
Electronic devices (write) Sisè
Electronic devices (write 2) I.T. vocabulary
English speaking countries Sisè
Explorer adventure (a quiz) Sisè
Films sisè
Films 2 Sisè
Films exercises Sisè
Food sisè
Food: What’s for breakfast? sisè
Friends (unit 6) sisè
Fruits sisè
Furniture (baloon burst) cinquè i sisè
Furnitures (Haunted house) Cinquè i sisè
Friends (What’s your friend like?) Sisè
Gida Shali’s story about sea and peace (video)
Going to (order the sentences) Sisè
Going to. Camel safari (story)
Grammar games Sisè
Grammatical aspects Cinquè i sisè
GREECE Oficial website. Sisè
Hobbies. What do you like? Sisè
In the morning Sisè
Job hunting Sisè
Jobs game Sisè
MICHAEL JACKSON. Bad (song and lyrics) sisè i cinquè
MICHAEL JACKSON, bad lyrics Sisè i cinquè
Let’s send an e-mail Sisè
Mavi Fare, the mouse in the Mosque (story for reading)
Past simple pronuntiation Sisè
Past simple exercise Sisè
Past simple, game, the frog sisè
Past simple game (irregular)sisè
Past simple, answer questions Sisè
Past simple, negative sentence Sisè
Past tense of iregular verbs (match).Sisè
The planets(interactive game) Sisè
The planets (video 2’21 m.) Sisè
Planets by size Sisè. Only for teacher
Planet pursuit (about planets and game) Sisè
Planets (a quiz) Sisè
Planets (identify) Only for teacher
The sun and the planets sisè
Present continuous (writing) Sisè
Professions sisè
Pushing the glacier (story for reading) Sisè
Simple past (positive sentences) Sisè
Simple past (answer the questions) Sisè
Simple past (negative sentences) Sisè
Simple past (write the sentences) Sisè
Smiling studios Sisè
Save the kingdom (nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc) game Sisè
Some & any (grammar) sisè
Some or any, there is, there are (fill the gap) Sisè
Superlatives (writing) Sisè
Superlatives 2 (writing) Sisè
Showing Abilities Sisè
Snowplots in the wilde (reading) Sisè
The blue jackal story, cartoons Sisè
The fox and the crane story (3:11 min. video) Sisè
The legend of Lord Shiva (Hindu culture and religion. 9:33 min. video) Sisè
The story of Shiva (text) Sisè
The monkey and the crocodile story (4:36 min. video) sisè
The rainbow snake story ( past simple) Sisè
The cold planet (reading cartoon story) Sisè
The lazy bear story Sisè
The mice and the elephants (video)
The time: The race against time Sisè
There is/There are Sisè
TV programmes Sisè
Tiki treasure (just a game) Sisè
Trolley dashSisè
USA FOR AFRICA. We are the world (song and lyrics) Cinquè i sisè
Video quiz game Cinquè i sisè
Vegetables sisè
Wonders of the world sisè
Colours (karaoke) red, yellow. blue and green
We wish you a Merry Christmas (karaoke)
Old McDonald had a farm (karaoke)
Is a very good exercise!!!
it´s very easy
I love the animals
It’s ok and easi! 🙂
hello Africa, this exercise is very good
hi i am luciana aldabalde is so fun
jajajajaja xd
its very very easy 🙂
its very very good .
it’s very good
I’ts very easy, and excellent, I like this!!!!!!
kisses and hugs Marina and Paula
Exercise is good Africa
its verry good
Hllo Africa It ‘s very good!!!!!!!!!
by mar jin
beri good beri fun¡¡¡¡¡
this game is very fun!!!!!!
hello africa !!
it’s very good and very easy 🙂
it’s very easy:)
it´very good
it’s very very good
It’s boring.
It’s very good.
it´ very good
it’s very good
very good
it’s very nice
it’s good
i like it and it’s easy
it’s go and veri easy
It’s ok
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