In I4 we are learning the animals (farm animals, sea animals and wild animals). We enjoy playing this memory game! Would you like to play with us?
In I3 we are learning the sea animals.
Banana pancakes
This week in 6th we have done Competències bàsiques. The children have read a Banana pancakes recipe.
The one-mug method is a brilliant trick for getting perfect pancakes every time. Simply use the same mug to measure out the flour and milk, then add an egg. It couldn’t be easier!
What do you want to be?
What do you want to be when you grow up? Kids, guess who I am and learn about my career! This is my dream job!
This week we have reviewed vocabulary, clothes, universe, colours, food…
Here we have a video about clothes. You can listen and repeat the words.
In I4 we enjoy singing and dancing. We love this song!
In I3 we are learning vocabulary about school supplies. We are also singing this song about our morning routines.
International food
In 6th we are learning about international food. What food is famous in…?
Days of the week!
In 3r grade, we’re learning the days of the week.
How many days are there in a week? Seven!
What’s your favourite day of the week?
Come on everyone sing the days of the week!
Under the sea
This week we are working on the sea animals. This video helps to learn new vocabulary and names of sea animals like: seal, dolphin, turtle, whale, clown fish, octopus, crab, jellyfish and many more. Do you know how many arms an octopus has?