Unit 3 – Comparative and superlative adjectives


The Comparative is the form of an adjective used to compare two things. To create a comparative, remember that with short adjectives add –er to the end, and longer ones use more before the adjective:EG: The Nile is longer than the Amazon. – Long >> Longer

EG: Many students find writing more difficult than reading. – Difficult >> More Difficult


The Superlative is the form of an adjective or adverb that shows which thing has that quality above or below the level of the others. There must be three or more to use the superlative. It takes the definite article and short adjectives add -est and longer ones take ‘most’:


Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

It is the most expensive restaurant I’ve ever been to.


1. Try to do the quizz in http://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/242.html

and http://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/45.html

2. Try to do the activity in http://perso.wanadoo.es/autoenglish/gr.comp.i.htm

3. Go to page http://www.agendaweb.org/grammar/comparison.html

4. Do the exercises under the column elementary.

Tasques per a E2F

  1. Vés a la pàgina http://www.edu365.cat/primaria/muds/angles/index.htm
  2. A l’esquerra de la pàgina hi ha el menú Miniunitats didàctiques. Clica a Totes les MUD.
  3. S’obre un menú amb 4 columnes. A la columna Grammar, selecciona la primera unitat: Can/Can’t
  4. Clica a la fletxa vermella per començar l’activitat.
  5. Clica a Practica i fes l’activitat.
  6. Clica a Avalua’t i fes l’activitat.
  7. Fes el mateix amb les demés unitats de la columna Grammar.

Festivals and traditions

1- Go to page (ves a la pàgina) http://www.learnenglish.de/britishculture.htm

  • There is an online dictionary by double-clicking on a word (s’obre un diccionari fent doble clic damunt d’una paraula). Some definitions are illustrated (algunes definicions estan il·lustrades)

2- Find a festival or a tradition for each month of the year (localitza una festa o una tradició per cada mes de l’any)

3- Write its name on your calendar (escriu el nom al teu calendari)

4- Find a similar festival/tradition in your country (troba una festa/tradició semblant al teu país).

5- Are they celebrated on the same date (es celebren a la mateixa data)?

6- Write the common facts between British festival/tradition and your country’s (escriu els fets comuns entre la festa/tradició britànica i la del teu país)

7- Write the main differences between British festival/tradition and your country’s (escriu les diferències principals entre la festa/tradició britànica i la del teu país)

8- Find illustrations for these festivals/traditions and paste them on your worksheets (busca ilustracions d’aquestes festes/tradicions i enganxa-les als fulls d’activitats.

9- Write a card (escriu una tarjeta) to every classmate (a cada company/a de classe) telling your best wish for the New Year (dient-li el teu millor desig per l’Any Nou)

10- Go to page (ves a la pàgina) http://www.worldvillage.com/kidz/postcard.htm and send postcards to your friends or classmates to celebrate important events (i envia postals als teus amics o companys de classe per a celebrar dies importants. You must write postcards in English, of course (has d’escriure les postals en anglès, per descomptat)!

11- If you need more information, go to pages (si et cal més informació, visita les pàgines)


12- This website offers celebrations by month (aquesta web ofereix celebracions per messos de l’any)


Pronouns – Subject, object and possessive

Do you need extra help with pronouns?

1- Go to page http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/pronomen.htm

2- Click on the following links and do the activities

Personal pronouns – Exercise 1 (substitution)
Personal pronouns – Exercise 2
Personal pronouns (object forms)

If you have problems, click on the link Explanation at the top of the exercise.

3- You can find more help in page


4- Click on the following links and do the activities

personal pronouns

pronouns 1

pronouns 2

pronouns 3

pronouns 4

You’ve got a Tutorial link if you need help