Arxiu mensual: març de 2015

Voleyball playground’s league

The last March’s week will start the Volleyball League at playground’s hour. There are 9 teams from 5th and 6th. You are going to play a match in the gym every Wednesday at Thursday. So you have to wear sport … Continua llegint

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1.100 kids run at Cross 2015

Video & Photos about the Cross 2015 Congratulations to all the students of the school Marta Mata who did participate and those who could not too. It was a pleasure to see the effort and strong applause to the winners … Continua llegint

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The last 2nd Term Homework at Third Cycle

This is the last homework in the second term where you write your opinion about the Cross on Wednesday 11th of March and what do you want to play the last session of Physical Education (just a game or sport). … Continua llegint

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Cross Escolar 2015

Descripció: Es tracta d’una cursa d’atletisme en la modalitat Cros, d’ un recorregut que no arriba als 2 km. Es realitzarà al parc de la Marina el dimecres 11 de Març del 2015. Amb aquesta activitat els nens i nenes … Continua llegint

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Korfball 2015 meeting between schools (Third Cycle)

On 12 and 13 March (6th thursday and 5th friday) will play Korfball with ohters schools from Gavà, Viladecans and Sant Climent. Algunes normes pel dia de la trobada: – Els nens i nenes es donaran les mans al final … Continua llegint

Publicat dins de Esports col·lectius, General, Trobades intercentres | 1 comentari