Listen and watch this trailer and complete the transcription!
Category Archives: Cicle Superior
2 Replies
Harry potter trailer
The Fonix – Concurs d’Anglès Interescolar 2008
Where’s…? (prepositions of place) 3r-6è
Where’s my dog? It’s next to the tree
Where’s the library? It’s in front of the town hall
– Click on OPen and Menu
(hi ha dues activitats per fer, una més senzilla i una més complicada. Podeu provar les dues.)
– Click on 1º ESO –> intermediate –> My pets
– Click on 1º ESO –> intermediate –> Where is …?
The Alphabet (3r-6è)
What time is it? (3r-6è)
Revision 5è Click and Learn
Cinderella story (ventafocs)
Past:Was / Were (6è)
Numbers (3r-6è)
To revise the numbers and its pronunciation.
Click on Start! Listen and click on the correct number!!!