Category Archives: Organyà

Interview to Joe

Joe is eleven years old. Before he lived in England but now he lives in Catalonia. He likes pizza, playing football and playing basketball. In his house he has two cats. Their names are Pigled and Charlie. He has one sister, her name is Lola. He likes this coutry more than England because there it rains a lot. His favourite football team is FCB and his favourite player is Messi. In his previous school he had a swimming pool and this school is much smaller than the other school.

El Marc a l’examen FONIX de Lleida

El dissabte 3 de març, el Marc Guàrdia va anar a realitzar la prova de la fase territorial del FONIX a la Universitat de Lleida.

Les seves impressions són bones i els resultats els coneixerem el dia 2 d’abril. De moment… enhorabona per la feina feta, Marc!!