Hello, my name is Nil.

I live in Vimbodí.

I’m eleven years old.

I am high.

I have brown hair and brown eyes too.

I’m an only child.

I have many friends, for example: Martí, Èric, Smaïl, Enric, Adrià…

My favourite color is red.

I like sport, music, swimming and animals.

I don’t like violence, war…

My favourite food is pasta, fruit and meat.

My favourite subject is mathematics.

That’s all folks.

2013-07-14 18.23.00

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1 comentari

  1. [] CEIP Mare de Déu dels Torrents - ZER Poblet 20 agost 2014 - 9:15

    Very good Nil!!!
    Just check this:
    I have brown hair and brown eyes too.
    I haven’t got any brothers or sisters or I’m an only child. (tria la frases que vulguis)
    Recorda que ho has de gravar!!!

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