
Blowin’ In The Wind/Bad Moon Rising – Bruce Springsteen

En motiu de l’espectacle de titelles Naip: Missatges al vent….

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6è – In the jungle…

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Titanic – My Heart Will Go On – Celine Dion [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

SAU, Boig per Tu, En directe, 1993 (Subtítols Català)[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

5è -Hey Jude – BEATLES

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4t – Els planetes op.32 Mart – GUSTAV HOLST

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Instruments vegetals de vent

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3er – “Un di felice” La Traviata – VERDI

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El cant dels ocells – PAU CASALS

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2on – “Ton pare no té nas” – Trad. mallorquina

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1er – Bei Mannern – La flauta màgica – W A MOZART

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Der Hölle Rache – La flauta màgica – W A MOZART

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Pares, mares, mestres i tots aquells que ens anem fent grans… 🙂

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