Projecte Snappet

Aquest curs 2017-2018 comencem un projecte pilot anomenat: SNAPPET. Els nostre fills i filles podran aprendre utilitzant tablets amb programari educatiu específic, consultar dubtes, navegar per internet de manera segura… etc. de manera gratuïta.

Aquest Projecte busca substituir el tradicional llibre de text per un material més interactiu,  modern i adaptat a les necessitats actuals del nen: Buscar informació la moment, consultar imatges, fer servir diccionari on-line, trobar vídeos, suport auditiu, interpretar dades… etc.


In Omells, students have learnt lots of names of different clothes and we practised  going to a clothes shop.

They learnt how to ask for clothes and how to sell. We used euros and they went shopping.

More or less, the dialogue was the following one:

C(costumer): Hello, good morning/good afternoon.

SA (Shop assistant): Hello! Can I help you?

C: Yes, can I have ….(a pink dress, blue trousers, green shoes…)?

SA: No, I’m sorry  / Yes, here you are.

C: How much is it?

SA: It’s…. €. Anything else?

C: Yes, can I have ….?

(after asking all the food, the costumer pays)

C: Bye, bye!

SA: Goodbye! Thank you!

Look how they enjoyed! PHOTOS

And we put some clothes on Tiger and we described him!