Classroom objects, numbers, colours, toys, parts of the body, food, animals,…
This year we start a new project called “Tiger’s travelling pack” you’ll find further information in Can Serra Bloc and Letters to parents.
Hello families here you are Tiger’s Travelling Pack Magazine from 1st A
Tiger’s Travelling Pack Magazine from 1st B
Tiger’s Travelling Pack Magazine from 1st C
Thank you very much to all the families for dressing up Tiger!
Thank you very much to Alba Giménez from 1st A and her family for this fantastic Santa’s dress!!
Thank you very much to Marta Sánchez from 1st A and her family for this fantastic dress!
Thank you very much to Leyre Morillas from 1st B and her family for this fantastic dress!
Thank you very much to Claudia Espadas from 1st C and her family for this fantastic dress!
Tiger went to a wedding in Cuenca!! And Paula’s Peña granmother, from 1st A, made this amazing dress-coat! Thank you!
Classroom objects
Parts of the body
Hello boys and girls! A memory game to practise parts of the body! Try to do it very quickly. Let’s see how fast are you!
Drag the words according to the different parts of the body in the correct place !
Hola como estas Raquel 😉 <3 <3
[…] Us convidem a fer-li una ullada a la “Tiger’s Travelling Pack Magazine” del grup 1rA. El Tiger ha viatjat molt i s’ho ha passat molt bé amb tots vosaltres!!! Moltes gràcies i enhorabona per la feina feta! Grrrrrrrreat job, families!!! http://blocs.xtec.cat/englishcanserra/?page_id=11 […]