El divendres 15 de gener, la Laura se’n va anar a Suècia, a fer pràctiques de mestre. Esperem que aprengui molt i s’ho passi molt bé. (Emma i Bernat)
La Laura se’n va anar a Jönkoping (Suècia), a fer la seva carrera com a mestre, el 15 de gener passat. (Pep i Òscar)
On Friday 15th January Laura Madrià left to Sweden, for her Practicum. We hope that she will learn a lot and that she has a good stay there. (Emma and Bernat)
Laura left to Jönkoping, Sweden, for her Practicum, last 15th of January. (Pep and Òscar)
Hola Laura,t’ho estas passant bé.Jo si,esperem que tornis aviat.Tots t’anyorem.
Hej everyone!
Tomorrow I will start my teaching lessons to Talavidskolan, the school where I’m doing my practising! Wish me luck!!
Laura, all the luck to u! Sure u are doing very well!
Keep in touch,
P5 kids and English teacher!