Category Archives: 7.1.- Llengua estrangera

Recursos TIC

  1. Anglès365. Infants Classes 1-2.

  2. Bits de inteligencia (inglés).

  3. Cool Kids. Level 1 Level 2. Oxford University Press.

  4. English for Little children.

  5. Galaxy. Level 1 Level 2. Oxford University Press.

  6. Happy House. Oxford University Press.

  7. Incredible English. Level 1 Level 2. Oxford University Press.

  8. Literacy Center Education Network. Lectura bàsica

  9. The Little Animals. Activitiy Center.

  10. School of English. Interactica.

  11. Surprise. Level 1 Level 2. Oxford University Pres

  12. Segon Cicle de E. Primària

  13. Anglès365. Class 3 Class 4 Temas por nivel.

  14. Cool Kids. Level 3 Level 4. Oxford University Press.

  15. EducaMadrid: Tercero Cuarto.

  16. Galaxy. Level 3 Level 4. Oxford University Press.

  17. Happy Street. Oxford University Press.

  18. Incredible English. Level 3 Level 4. Oxford University Press. Coming soon…

  19. Surprise. Level 3 Level 4. Oxford University Press.

  20. Top Class.

  21. – Tercer Ciclo de E. Primària

  22. Anglès365. Class 5 Class 6 Temes per nivell.

  23. Cool Kids. Level 5 Level 6. Oxford University Press.

  24. EducaMadrid: Quinto Sexto.

  25. Galaxy. Level 5 Level 6. Oxford University Press.

  26. Happy Earth. Oxford University Press.

  27. Incredible English. Level 5 Level 6. Oxford University Press. Coming soon…

  28. Surprise. Level 5 Level 6. Oxford University Press.

    – Per a tots els cicles.

  29. Alfy. Learning games. 1 2 3 4 5 6.

  30. Anda-Wev 1. Acceso a módulos: 1 2 3 4 5. Averroes.

  31. Anda-Wev 2. Acceos a módulos: 1 2 3 4 5. Averroes.

  32. Anglesonline.

  33. go4english – Fun for Kids (British Council): Songs Stories Games.

  34. Inglés para E. Primaria. Secció Alumnat

  35. Interactive English (clicknlearn). “Seleccionar OPEN – MENU”.

  36. Learn English (British Council) stories, topics, more topics

  37. Linguasnet.

  38. Lunnis. Aprende inglés.

  39. Mr Teapot’s Flashdcards.

  40. Repàs d’anglès Féu clic a “Inglés”.

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