Hi boys and girls, as you have to practice the wh-questions here you are a link where you have some exercises to do, when you finish them you have to click on the “DONE” buttom.

I hope you enjoy these activities.



As I have said at the classroom  you need to improve your reading comprehension and to star with this aim, here you are your first Reading.


The second reading:


Hi boys and girls I’ve attached a link where you can practise the verb “to be” before the test that you are going to have next week. I hope you enjoy.


Here you are a student podcast. You have to listen and complete the profiles.


Activity 1: Comparatives

Activity 2: Comparatives 1

Activity 3: Superlatives

Activity 4: Superlatives 1 

Activity 5: Compartives and superlatives

Activity 6: Compartives and superlatives 1

Activity 7: Compartives and superlatives 2


Here you are two podcats. Listen to them carefully and complete the worksheets.

Helping at home


A newspaper interview





During these two weeks we are going to work about Astronomy: In the English Class we are going to work on NASA, and we are going to see how is a day in the life of a Space Station.  To do so you must follow these instructions:

Now that you have seen the NASA web and you have move around it you must go to the search bottom and type “A Day in the life aboard the International Space Station“, and read:

Morning Routine




Free Time



Now you’ve seen  how is a normal day in a Space Station you must write a summary of what you have learned, to do so you must write a Power Point.

15 comentaris a “ENGLISH

    • Hola Aya, si l’has trobat fàcil, aixó vol dir que els has entés sense cap problema. Molt bé!!

      Mari Carmen

    • Hi Marc, I’m glad to see that you find all the activities funny, and I’m also glad to see that you write in English, that’s the way to improve. GREAT!!!

  1. Hola Mari Carmen,
    El jocs m’han agradat molt ,hi ha jocs mes fàcils que altres i uns més difíçils com per exemple :lo de passar de plural a singular m’ha costat un mica però la resta és divertit . La nota que he tret ha sigut un set però ho faré una altra vegada per aprendre més i per treure millor nota.

  2. Hola Mari Carmen,

    m’han agradat molt els jocs i havia alguns que eren difícils, i altres que no, m’han servit de gran ajuda he entès millors les coses.



  3. Hola Mari Carmen els jocs han estat entretinguts, fàcils i m’han agradat molt i m’aniran molt bér per millorar en Anglès

  4. Hello Mari Carmen,

    I’ve done the exercices to study and I think that they are easy, except one exercice, it’s been more difficult .


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