Pancake day

Last Tuesday was Pancake day, it is celebrated in all English speaking countries except USA. We had studied this celebration with the 6th grade pupils and to finish up with the project we have cooked pancakes. They have enjoyed a lot!!

El dimarts passat els països anglosaxons varen celebrar el dia del “pancake”. Amb els alumnes de sisé curs de primaria ho hem estudiat a classe i per a finalitzar el projecte hem cuinat pancakes (tortetes). S´ho han passat molt bé i han après vocabulari i tradicions noves.

Remember when… radio program.



Listen to our radio programme Remember when. It’s a thrilling activity about our favourite English songs.

The 5th level students have fun chatting about songs. They’re going to expose their personal experience and also the reasons why they have chosen these songs.

Moreover, they’re going to explain some extra information to us, (the author, feelings, memories…). Furthermore, they’ll try to sing a little bit of their favourite songs, which is not so easy!

I hope you enjoy the programme.



Last December Santa’s star went to our school. Our pupils had fun with this theatre performance and they found the experience enjoyable and inspiring.
It was another way to add motivation to the learning process through entertaining theatre.



The 3rd level students are delighted to show us how easy to order some food is when we go to a restaurant.
Furthermore, they want us to know that all of them love food and find it delicious.

Enjoy ‘Food, delicious food’ song.


Having fun with Justin Bieber’s song “Baby”

The 4th level students are learning English through their favourite songs. This time, they are really encouraged to practise oral English by singing “Baby” in order to improve their English language skills.

Well done students! Congratulations on your high motivation overall for Júlia, Anna and Nerea.

I hope you enjoy it!!!


5th level students celebrate our Halloween!

The 5th level students chant the costumary practice for children on Halloween in many countries:

Trick or treat,

Trick or treat,

give me something good to eat.


Children in costumes go from house to house in order to ask for treats such as sweet. If not the homeowners cold get a “Trick“…