Sant Antoni a l’Escola…!

Per a celebrar la diada de “tots els animals”, la família Mas ha fet possible que vingués de nou a l’Escola el cavall Napoleó. Aquest cavall i el seu entrenador fan possible un seguit d’exercicis sense la necessitat d’utilitzar la violència. Només la interacció del seu amo i el cavall i la confiança entre ells aconsegueixen fa possible que fins i tot pinti un quadre ben acolorit. Moltes gràcies.

7 thoughts on “Sant Antoni a l’Escola…!

  1. Manaboom

    Hugo Bazin is a product designer whose resume website combines friendliness with user-friendly design. In the top left corner, he includes a sticky button to download your resume as a PDF, but if you’re interested in getting an overview, you can scroll down to the “Experience” section, where you can see your current resume and previous employers.

    Throughout the copy, Bazin uses emojis to show his personality, but he is selective. He keeps emojis out of the “Experience” section of the website, where maintaining a serious and professional tone is essential.

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