Author Archives: nsanch47


Ghosts and spirits are souls of the people who are dead!

On Halloween’s  night, the ghosts and spirits appear in the middle of the dark! It is very scary! And funny too, as it is a party where everybody gets dressed to scare the other people.

Do you like spirits, ghost and Halloween? WE DO!!!


We are going to talk about the paleolitic years.

Once, there was found a man who was frozen for more than 5000 years!!! Wooow!! It is a very important part of our history, and that is why we want to talk about it.

The Paleolitic years were divided into three times:

 The Neolitic, the Paleolitic and the Metallic year.

All of them have been very important for our planet and history.

Later on, we will explain more things about this years.

Bye, bye!