Practice with Cool Kids

Dear pupils! Here you have the website where you can practice all you do

at the classroom. Let’s go and enjoyyyyy!


Publicat dins de 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, General | 3 comentaris

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Hello boys and girls!!!!

I am very proud of you with all your jack-o’-lantern creations for our

Halloween Contest!!! I want to congratulate you for your effort and creativity!

Here you are some scary photos!!! Veryyyyy Gooooood!!!

Halloween 2013 2013-10-29 16.29.00 2013-10-29 16.33.10 2013-10-28 12.07.25

Publicat dins de General | 3 comentaris

Practice your English

Good morning!!!

Here you have an interesting webpage where you can practice your english by means of differents interesting activities! Be brave and try it!!!!

Publicat dins de 6th, General | 1 comentari

Halloween is coming…

Dear pupils,

As you know, halloween is coming and at our school we are preparing a lot of interesting halloween activities. One of them is to create a jack-o-lantern to particpate in the Pumpkin Halloween Contest of Feliu i Vegués School. Here you have an example how to carve a halloween pumpkin! [youtube][/youtube]

Publicat dins de General | 1 comentari

Welcome Back to School!!

Welcome to school my dear pupils! I’m very happy to stay with you this new course! We are going to do a lot of interesting and funny activities!

Are you ready?????? Let’s gooooooooooooooooooooo!

Publicat dins de General | 1 comentari

Practice the time!!!

Here you can practice how to tell the time in English! Let’s go!

Practice it!

Publicat dins de 4th, 5th, General | 5 comentaris

Listenings to practice “Competències Bàsiques”

Listenings’ webpage


Publicat dins de 6th, General | 12 comentaris

Michelle, my belle!

Practice it!!! [youtube][/youtube]

Publicat dins de 3rd, 4th, General | 6 comentaris

Let it be! Practice it!


Publicat dins de General | 4 comentaris

Reading of London

Dear Pupils,

Here you are the listening with the correct pronounciation of the text about London. Practice it a lot and enjoy it!!

London’s Listening

Publicat dins de 6th, General | 8 comentaris